Sunday, May 8, 2011

NOTD: Full Water Decal

I finally got to try the water decals that I had shared the other day... it was a learning experience but I think they turned out fairly decent for a first time. If you have never done these before, I would highly recommend searching for "how to" videos on water decals before you start. The best video I found for reference is in French but it has English subtitles. (You can click here to see that one.)

Putting on the decals took me about 30 minutes but I think that had a lot more to do with my inexperience at this than the actual time this might take if you did it regularly. I think I could easily get this down to a 10-15 minute process with practice which would be awesome.


  1. OMG, these are amazing!! I saw in your post that you said you got them from e-bay. Was there a specific seller that you used? I neeeeeed them :).

    P.S. Your banner at the top is all kinds of amazing.

  2. Aren't they the coolest! I got them from Yayajulia ( She has soooo many designs... I really love the floral prints the best though. And thanks for reading too! ♥

  3. What this is nuts! Looks great! I may have to try that one day. I jus saw water decals on a post for the first time yesterday. Are they a new thing?
