Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mom's are a Blessing ♥

I hope you're all having a wonderful Mother's Day! Although I'm not a mother yet myself, I know from my friends who are parents and from my very own parents what a tough job being a good mom (or dad) really is. I have the utmost respect for you ladies!

With that being said, I thought I'd share a poem I wrote. I'm by no means a poet but sometimes, I just like to write down the feelings I have in a poetic sort of way. I wrote this for a friend who is struggling with her teenaged daughter's sudden change in behavior. She was very upset over some extremely hard decisions she had to make about her daughter's well being and getting her the help she needed. My friend was so heartbroken and I could see how deeply it hurt her. It broke MY heart to see her so sad.

That made me think back to my crazy teen years and all of the things I put my poor mom through. We talked about what she's going through and I gave her my perspective from the "rebellious teen" point of view. I drew on those emotions and that experience in my life and told her I truly think that her daughter may be angry at her now but she'll appreciate all the tough love when she gets older and understands the reasons why. So this is the poem... it's kind of long but I hope you like it. :o)

A Mom's Tough Love

My mom knows everything, it all! Really! She does!
Why's the sky blue? Why's Dad's belly button have fuzz?
She knows all the answers to any questions I could ask.
That was until I turned thirteen and started my eighth grade class.
I just don't know why she's so boring and so old!
I mean, get with it Mom! I'm young, independent, and bold!
My friends all know what's up so why don't you?
It's all about the clothes, the makeup, the boys, the shoes!
School is so overrated! Who cares how math problems are equated.
I feel angry and restricted so the boundaries, I'll push.
Mom will scream and yell and even beat my tush.
I swear on everything, that woman drives me crazy!
Why's it so wrong to have some fun? Maybe be a little lazy?
I'll do what I want, when I want, and I'll listen to no one!
Everything is done my way in my kingdom now!
Don't you see I'm the princess, the one wearing the crown!

Now the years have flown by and my friends have all changed,
I've had boyfriends and date nights and discovered my range!
All this time, no matter how much I fought, my mom guarded me,
guided me, pushed me so far. She made me sweat, made me work hard!
She did all of this to make me become a better woman than she.
And I finally realize this now as I'm getting close to the age of thirty...
I'm beautiful. I'm strong. She taught me the right from the wrong.
Those teen years were so hard and I'm sorry for the all strife,
but thank you Mom, for all you did. Thank you for saving my life.
I know you love me so much and you did what was best...
if it wasn't for you, I would have become such a mess.
You dealt with my fits, the fights, the tears and the screams...
You never slowed down even when I would talk back!
You broke your own heart just to make sure mine stayed intact.
Thanks to your tough love and what you did so selflessly,
I got to grow up and now I will live out my dreams.

This is me and my Mommy about oooooh, 28 years ago. I ♥ her!!

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